
Nov 6, 2018 15:13

Yesterday, a man who was driving a GT-R in Osaka was arrested for speeding.

Surprisingly, the speed of his car was about 280 km/h.

Since the speed limit at the road was 60 km/h, he exceeded the speed limit by about 220 km/h.

This is the highest speed among those who arrested for speeding in Japan, and the amount of speed that exceeded the speed limit may be the world record.

Incidentally, the world record of the speeding offense is owned by Kazuhiko Nagata (known as "Smoky Nagata") -- he drove a GT-R at a British expressway at a speed of 317 km/h.

昨日、大阪で GT-R を運転していた男性がスピード違反で逮捕されました。

驚くことに、速度が時速約 280 km/h 出ていたそうです。

制限速度は 60 km/h なので、約 220 km/h の速度超過ということになります。


ちなみに、スピード違反の世界記録は永田和彦(通称「スモーキー永田」)が持っており、イギリスの高速道路で 317 km/h を出したそうです。
No. 1 toc's correction
  • Yesterday, a man who was driving a GT-R in Osaka was arrested for speeding.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Surprisingly, the speed of his car was about 280 km/h.
  • Surprisingly, he was driving at about 280 km/h.
  • Since the speed limit at the road was 60 km/h, he exceeded the speed limit by about 220 km/h.
  • Since the speed limit at of the road was 60 km/h, he was exceeded exceeding the speed limit by about 220 km/h.
  • This is the highest speed among those who arrested for speeding in Japan, and the amount of speed that exceeded the speed limit may be the world record.
  • This is the highest recorded speed among those who have been arrested for speeding in Japan, and the amount of speed that exceeded the speed limit may be the world record.Or: and the 220 km/h difference between his speed and the speed limit may be the world record.
  • Incidentally, the world record of the speeding offense is owned by Kazuhiko Nagata (known as "Smoky Nagata") -- he drove a GT-R at a British expressway at a speed of 317 km/h.
  • Incidentally, the world speeding record of the speeding offense is owned by Kazuhiko Nagata (known as "Smoky Nagata") -- he drove a GT-R at on a British expressway at a speed of 317 km/h.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
No. 2 Kiwi's correction
If he absolutely knew he wasn't endangering anyone, I might say that he's a hero.
Yes, this is not something that anyone can do.